Are you ready to move beyond the book study? Help teachers close the knowing-doing gap.

Masterclass Course Held over 4 sessions:
august 22, 2024 - september 12, 2024

Coaching Culturally Responsive Instruction Beyond the Book Study

Building Your Skill and Toolbox to Help Teachers Move Student Learning

Instructional coaches have developed their capacity to coach using a variety of approaches, from Jim Knight’s Impact Cycle to Elena Aguilar’s Transformative Coaching model to Sweeny’s Student-Centered Coaching model. While all these approaches are powerful, they focus on the curriculum of coaching – questioning, dialogue, reflection, modeling, and socio-emotional support, not the techniques of culturally responsive pedagogy.

Many school districts are embracing culturally responsive education as a way to close their achievement gaps. Yet, this is instructional content many coaches don’t have from their teaching experience. Instructional coaches typically don’t get this body of knowledge from the traditional coach development training. If they do get training in culturally responsive teaching, it usually emphasizes relationship and belonging, not grounding in the science of learning and how to help teachers increase their capacity for instructional-decision-making in order to address DuFour’s third question: What will we do when students don’t learn the material or when they get confused?

Instead, we search for the magic engagement strategy to fix the situation, especially from a book like, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Unfortunately this approach breeds greater dependency in our most vulnerable students. Too often we don’t know how to help teachers stop over-scaffolding as compensation.

I talk about the unique role a coach plays in helping teachers and leaders focus on a key lever for equity: the students’ “learn how to learn” in the pursuit of liberatory education.

In this course, we focus on double loop learning – Building your skills so you can grow teachers’ ability to coach dependent learners to become more powerful learners.

Register for the Masterclass Course

Registration Closes August 21st

Course Includes 4 Sessions:

$995/per person
August 22, 2024
August 29, 2024
September 5, 2024
September 12, 2024

11am–1pm PST / 12pm–2pm MST
1pm–3pm CST / 2pm–4pm EST


About the Masterclass Sessions

During this masterclass course, you will be introduced to a set of stances, processes, and tools designed to complement your foundational coaching skills so that you can more competently and confidently coach teachers to become culturally responsive educators.

Participants will examine their own coaching style with a focus on the technical pedagogical elements of culturally responsive practice that improve instructional decision-making.

Each class is 2 hours

Opportunities to Get Coached

Asynchronous Discussions in Private Community

In our sessions, we will use the Ready for Rigor™ frame to focus on adding to your tools and tactics to help teachers build foundational structures and routines.

More than offering discreet strategies, instructional coaches must help teachers sharpen their instructional decision-making skills so they can address DuFour’s third PLC question. That’s where instructional coaches play a critical role in helping teachers grow their capacity to use culturally responsive principles and practices to coach students’ cognition.

Session 1

AUGUST 22, 2024

Unpacking DuFour’s Third Question through a Culturally Responsive Lens

In this session, we will lean into the “responsive” part of culturally responsive teaching as it relates to instructional decision-making when dependent learners are stuck or confused. We will unpack the coach’s stance in helping teachers cultivate active demandingness.

Our driving question: How do we get students to take the initiative in using the tools and strategies we provide?

Coaches will learn:
  • The connection between being more culturally responsive and effective instructional decision-making when confronted with a student who is struggling in the moment.
  • Techniques to get teachers to shift their mindset about change.
  • How to co-construct scripts with teachers around what to say and do when students are confused.
Session 2

AUGUST 29, 2024

Coaching Cultural Learning Tools to Help Students Navigate Productive Struggle

In this session, we will look at a set of cultural learning tools for teachers to use and the set of cognitive tools teachers need to coach students to use to improve their information processing skills.

Our driving question: How do we slowly have students internalize cognitive tools to accelerate their uptake of new content? How do we coach teachers to get students to actually enjoy engaging in productive struggle?

We will get a better understanding of how to support teacher growth in their ability to coach students into and through their zone of proximal development.

Coaches will learn:
  • The set of cultural learning tools aligned with the science of learning.
  • Experiments to run with teachers to get students to enjoy productive struggle.
  • The power of habit formation and behavior design in getting students (and teachers) to level up.
Session 3


Getting Students to Engage in Meta-Strategic Thinking

In this session, we will look at the importance of helping students make their thinking visible so they can shift their learning moves. Most teachers are familiar with metacognition. But getting students to level up their learning requires that they know how to manipulate their moves. We will also cover the basics of a dialogic instructional conversation to coach students in this area.

Our driving questions: What do we do once we get a dependent learner into his zone of proximal development? How do we help them see their learning moves with new eyes in order to make different choices?

Coaches will learn:
  • The difference between metacognition and meta-strategic thinking
  • Why thinking routines aren’t enough to build meta-strategic thinking
  • How instructional conversations are different from having a “check-in” with a student.
  • How to help teachers set up the structures and routines to support conducting regular instructional conversations.
Session 4

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

Supporting Teachers Through the First Pancake

In our final session, we will construct an action plan to integrate the practices we’ve learned throughout the course into your individual practice.

Coaches will learn:
  • How to construct an action plan for closing the knowing-doing gap for teachers.
  • How to talk to teachers about culturally responsive practice beyond thinking about strategies.
  • How to aim for 1% improvements in their own coaching practice over the next 90 days.
  • Set up their own self-paced learning plan for the summer.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Register for the Masterclass Course

Registration Closes August 20st

Course Includes 4 Sessions:

$995/per person
August 22, 2024
August 29, 2024
September 5, 2024
September 12, 2024

11am–1pm PST / 12pm–2pm MST
1pm–3pm CST / 2pm–4pm EST


© 2024 Transformative Learning Solutions, LLC